Inspiring Words from Awesome Clients

Partnering with Nicole Porter was one of the best decisions we made for our staff. 

They’ve shared how much they enjoy her sessions, how easy she is to engage with, and they appreciate the support knowing we did this out of concern and care for them. I would highly recommend that any business that cares about the physical and mental health of their employees considering working with Nicole Porter.

It is well worth the investment. 

Suzanne Reister
Executive Director, Human Resources
representing 29 school districts in North Central Washington


“We finally know how to approach life to get the most of it.”

Our corporate purpose statement ends with “live healthier lives”.  I used that as the theme for a quarterly team meeting in January but wondered how I could help.  Diets tend to be the mainstream solution yet they rarely work. I was looking for a more holistic approach and when I met Nicole Porter, I knew I had found it. I asked Nicole to do a back-to-back seminar and workshop for the team and her passion and knowledge of wellness shone through the entire session. I can speak for my entire team when I say we finally know how to approach life to get the most of it.

Wayne G. Miller, Associate Vice-President, Marketing & Business Development


“Partnering with Nicole Porter Wellness was one of the best decisions we made for our staff.”

Back in February 2022, our staff shared with us how much they enjoyed Nicole’s sessions, how easy she is to engage with, and how they appreciate the support knowing that we did this out of concern and care for them. Then in the springtime, during a meeting with a few of our superintendents from the 29 districts that we serve, they were sharing with us their deep concern for their staff. They told us their staff were exhausted, burned out, and extremely fragile from the past couple of years. [We immediately] put a plan together for all of our 29 school district staff and substitutes for this entire school year.

These employees really are appreciative knowing their district did this because they care about them. I would highly recommend that any business or organization that cares about the physical and mental health of their employees consider working with Nicole Porter. She is amazing, and it’s well worth your investment.

Suzanne Reister, Executive Director, HR, North Central Education Service District (representing 29 school districts in North Central Washington)


I would recommend Nicole to any organization that wants to support their employees on a journey to improved physical and mental health.

We first hired Nicole to present in person to our local team in Calgary. We had great feedback and quickly implemented a national wellness initiative with monthly seminars, supporting hundreds of employees at CIBC Private Wealth across Canada. She was also hired by other offices and events to speak to their teams. Nicole is knowledgeable, passionate, and easy to work with, and I would recommend her to any organization that wants to support their employees on a journey to improved physical and mental health. 

Lynn Wowchuk, Regional Administrator, CIBC Private Wealth

“This is the best thing I have EVER done in my life.”

I am feeling AWESOME! I am excited about my life again. I honestly feel like I am on fire. This is the best thing I have EVER done in my life. THANKING YOU NPW!

The Wellness Advantage Challenge Student 

“My skin is glowing!”

My skin is glowing! I’m not even done your program and I’ve already noticed the scarring on my face is going away. And my skin is so soft – not oily by the end of the day like normal. I feel taller – just awesome!

The Wellness Advantage Challenge Student

“I want to tell everyone about this program!

I am almost finished the nutritional video and I am blown away. I have met with dieticians so many times and no one has ever helped me understand it. I am honestly blown away. I want to tell everyone about it and want everyone I love to do this program and understand their bodies. 

Becky Maxwell 

“Since being on your program, my partner’s blood sugar has gone from 23 to below 7.”

Since being on your program, my partner’s blood sugar has gone from 23 at its highest to below 7. I finally have faith that he can at least reduce his medication, and maybe even eliminate it altogether!

Becky Maxwell 

“I’m no longer relying on medication.”

“I used to take pain and heartburn medication everyday. I haven’t taken ONE pill since starting the program.”

The Wellness Advantage Challenge Student

“Thank you for making it so easy to understand!”

It’s only been a few weeks and I’ve lost weight, am sleeping better, and finally understand how my body works. Thank you for making it so easy to understand!

The Wellness Advantage Challenge Student


“The best money I’ve ever spent.”

The 8 Weeks to Awesome is the best money I ever spent. Short term with long term benefits! This program changed my life, period. I will forever be thankful to Nicole Porter Wellness for retraining my mind, my body and my taste buds!


“Nicole’s Stress & Wellness Seminar was outstanding.”

Every business needs team members who are productive and happy. At Xeva Mortgage, we understand that, in order to be productive and happy, you must also be healthy. So we started the year making the health of our brokers and partners a priority.

To educate our team, we invited Nicole to our annual conference to speak about stress. Amongst other things, we learned how stress can be more than getting a mortgage approved, managing client expectations, or trying to find work-life balance. Stress also comes in the form of habits like poor diet, dehydration, too much screen time, imbalanced exercise programs and overthinking, which can impact our physical health, yes, but also our mental and emotional health, which can ultimately impact productivity and happiness.

Nicole’s Stress & Wellness Seminar was outstanding – eye opening, informative, and presented in a way that made difficult concepts easy to understand. Thank you, Nicole, for being so passionate about what you do, and for helping to set up the Xeva team for success in the coming years.

Trevor Hansen, Partner/Broker


Nicole blew me out of the water with her knowledge.

Nicole did an online presentation yesterday and blew me out of the water with her knowledge. I hate counting calories because I love food and I don’t believe in eating chicken and veg every day in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I wanted a course centered more on nutrition but nothing seemed to be fitting what I was looking for. I don’t enjoy the feeling as if I’m being deprived or else have to be eating the same meals every single day. Then voilà, Nicole Porter Wellness appeared! Signing up and I can’t wait for this journey to begin.

Shereese Luby, Seminar Attendee

Nicole’s work has transformed me.

I’m not even sure where to begin as I reflect on how deeply Nicole’s work has transformed me. When I consider all the facets of my life that have shifted, I’m filled with so much gratitude.

What first struck me about Nicole’s program was it’s simplicity. It was almost as though every cell in my body let out a simultaneous sigh of relief as we progressed through her program week by week. My go to belief up until this point was that if is doesn’t feel somewhat punishing, it’s probably not going to yield results. I had never been so wrong and felt so happy about it. Nicole taught me the value of simplicity, and going back to basics, slowing down, and cultivating key simple habits that would change everything. Through working with Nicole, I learned to take the middle path, the long term way that leads to healthy sustainable change for life rather than striving for a high stress, quick fix. Her program is the first I’ve done that has resulted in long term change of my body and my habits. I’ve had ups and downs since we worked together, but I always come back to the fundamentals of her program which support me to keep elevating my health and achieve personal goals I never would have dreamt I was capable of even a year ago.

Katie Webster


“I’d recommend Nicole to any organization who cares about the health and wellness of their team.”

I’ve had the pleasure of having Nicole present on the topic of healthy routine on two separate occasions, once to my office team and once at the BCAMA reVISION 2020 virtual conference, where I was volunteering as a speaker manager. Nicole was the perfect fit for this event and I know that the entire audience received great value from her insightful and relevant presentation. She’s a true professional, always communicating in a timely manner and presenting herself well on camera. She also did a live Q&A session and was very helpful and empathetic while answering audience questions. I’d recommend Nicole as a public speaker or workshop host to any organization who cares about the health and wellness of their team!

Melissa Wong, Speaker Manager of BCAMA’s reVISION 2020 Conference


“It was the best seminar I’ve ever attended!”
It was the best seminar I’ve ever attended! What a humble reality check about simple steps to take that could make a significant difference! I’ve already shared the website with my entire family!

You are welcome to share my comments on any of those platforms! Already last night I found myself being more mindful and trying to put into place some of the recommendations! Although, I will say, it may look slightly different in the shoes of a new Mom, haha. But will likely be even more beneficial during this transition. Answers I didn’t even know I was looking for!


“I can’t speak highly enough about your program to everyone.”

I’m still 47 pounds down, currently 95% itch free, and I feel so strong. I really am never going back to my old ways.

I am so grateful you came into my life when you did. You really were a gift from God and I continue to sing your praises to anyone who listens. 

By the way, it is so fun to feel great in everything I’m taking to wear on this trip. This has never happened before!! 


“In so many ways, Nicole’s program exceeded my expectations.”

I’d heard good things about Nicole’s programs and decided to do the 8 week challenge to see if it could increase my energy. My energy went up, my weight went down and it resolved a digestive issue I’d had for probably 6-8 years, a result that made her program worth every dollar for me. It’s been over a year since I finished the program. I’m now 22 pounds lighter and at a weight and energy level I haven’t experienced in 15 years.

Thank you Nicole for your ongoing support, your commitment to finding workable solutions, your passion for making sure I was informed, and for indirectly helping my family and kids get healthier. In so many ways, your program exceeded my expectations.

Watch Omer’s testimonial here!

ADVOCIS | The Financial Advisors Association of Canada

“Book Nicole for your company’s next wellness discussion!”

Nicole did a webinar for the membership of the Advocis Vancouver chapter, which was available to all members in B.C. Nicole discussed the ‘Top 10 daily habits that may be keeping you from optimal health, happiness and productivity – at work and at home.’ This was an eye-opening and RELATABLE topic. She both educated attendees and challenged attendees to be more thoughtful about their day to day routine, and how it may be adversely affecting their health, both professional and personally. Nicole also discussed strategies for simple ways to improve our overall health and gave us a lead-in to many other resources to take our self-care to the next level.

Barry Trischuk, Financial Advisor and Member, Advocis Vancouver Chapter


“I’m still astonished at how efficient your program was for me!”

Just finished The 8 Weeks to Awesome. Inadvertently lost 20 pounds which wasn’t even the objective. It was to help my migraines and eczema, which it did. Way less frequency of flare ups. Headachy at the beginning but no migraines since! I’m back to my university weight! Kudos to your program, it’s well put together to keep you consistent through it.



“My management team loved it!”

Excellent session! Many thanks for taking the time to address CSCM Pacific. My management team loved it!

Peter Jackman, General Manager, Terminal City Club, 2020 Club of the Year



“I highly recommend business owners consider Nicole’s programs to create a healthier, calmer and more energetic team and culture.”

The pandemic has put stress on everyone in different ways. For my team at Marquis Wine Cellars, it was no different. We had work and home stress related to the pandemic and additional work stress from rapidly growing demand in our sector. To help my team best manage their stress and wellness during this time, I brought in Nicole Porter to do a wellness seminar. Nicole was able to teach us how to make appropriate and manageable changes with nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness so that we could come of this pandemic feeling healthy, but maybe even healthier than when we started.

The majority of my team ended up signing up for her course The 8 Weeks to Awesome. Shortly after the course ended, I noticed a calmer more relaxed demeanour with my team. Several of them also thanked me for offering it.

I will definitely use Nicole Porter Wellness again, and I highly recommend business owners consider her programs to create a healthier, calmer and more energetic team and culture.

John Clerides, Owner


“Your enthusiasm is contagious!”

Your enthusiasm is contagious! You are doing an excellent job educating many of us, which is very good for the world. We need more people like you and your team.


“Nicole’s program was worth every penny.”

Nicole has the unique ability to teach without preaching. Her deep knowledge is transformed into easy to follow principles that make a real and lasting difference.

Both her skills and empathy are truly impressive. Her program was worth every penny. Thank you, Nicole. You’ve made a huge difference in my life.


“Very informative seminar with many practical tips.”

Very informative seminar with many practical tips. Speaker was engaging and appreciated how she shared her personal background.

Seminar Attendee


“The Nicole Porter Wellness Program literally has changed my way of living.”

Numerous attempts at improving healthy habits has always worked for a short time for me but I have always gone back to the “easy unhealthy” lifestyle. Nicole has a way of gently influencing you to become accountable to your habits and lifestyle. The Nicole Porter (8 week) Wellness Program literally has changed my way of living. From stress management, concentration, food intake to working out and is simple and extremely satisfying! I have never felt so great and even better I have no cravings and absolutely zero desire to return to my old ways. There are few guarantees in life but sticking to Nicole’s program is one for me – I feel too good to stop!


“Definitely recommend this session.”

Thanks again for the very informative session Nicole! Definitely recommend this session to any organization looking to level up its wellness game both professionally and personally.

Nicholas Bazinet, Director of Digital Operations


“Nicole Porter completely changed the way I think about ‘getting healthy’.”

I used to believe it was all about burning calories and denying yourself yummy things. After completing her 12 week program, I realize there’s so much more to it. I also learned that having a person who is knowledgeable, supportive and straight-up cool in your corner is the key to seeing real, sustainable results.


Nicole was such an amazing speaker!

Nicole was such an amazing speaker. Very relevant for my current situation.

Seminar Attendee, 2021


“For the first time, I truly feel like I have the ability to live and lead a healthier lifestyle.”

When I signed up for Nicole’s Stress and Wellness Program, I had no idea what to expect and if I’d be able to really change any of my habits. I’d never participated in a program like this, but felt I needed a professional coach to keep me accountable. Now, at the end of my program, I am so thankful that I found Nicole and am grateful for her guidance, expertise and support throughout this journey. The program is manageable for working professionals, you just have to put in the work and commit. It wasn’t always easy, but as I look back at these past 12 weeks, for the first time, I truly feel like I have the ability to live and lead a healthier lifestyle.


“Nicole was fantastic!”

Nicole was a special guest presenter for our team at Leadbox. She was fantastic! I’m sure that everyone in the session walked away with a minimum of one great thing they can do to “Stress-Less”. Thanks so much.

Ian Cruickshank, President & CEO



“You will find yourself in a much better place you will not believe possible.”

I am writing this review because the experience I had with Nicole Porters program (I did the 8-week one) was extremely positive and stays with me to this day these many months later. I was not sleeping properly and had a very stressed work-life that followed me home. If like me there is this moment where you look up from your life and realize how unbalanced your life has become or perhaps it is not about the balance but about capturing a sense of overall well-being that has been missing for some time, then Nicole could help you just as she did me. Nicole will work with you to reach a better sense of self with your day to day living, eating and working. Nicole’s approach is client specific with personal coaching. If you follow the program outlined for you specifically, you will find yourself in a much better place you will not believe possible. Not sure I can add much more to it without sounding bias, well I guess I kind of am . . . now, but for good and honorable reasons. Good to pass on something positive and helpful.


Your presentation was so valuable.

“Thank you for presenting to us today Nicole. The information was so valuable!”

Seminar Attendee


“I highly recommend The 8 Weeks to Awesome Wellness Challenge.”

I highly recommend The 8 Weeks to Awesome Wellness Challenge. Nicole’s knowledge and experience make it easier to implement healthy habits into your day to day life. Rather than following the latest fad, this is knowledge that will help keep you healthy long term. She offers practical tips on how to work her recommendations into the busiest of schedules. Thank you Nicole!



“I loved the way that you illustrated how stress impacts all of the body systems. What great information and very clearly presented.”
Thank you for the wellness seminar. It was clearly presented and very thoughtfully put together. I did not realize how each of the body systems is impacted through stress and how these effects can compound in the body to manifest in ways that are not necessarily all that intuitive. Thank you, I have a new appreciation for the body as a stress fighter and have some new tips and tricks to help it optimize its struggles.


“I recommend Nicole’s program completely!”

Nicole is a well-organized health and wellness provider that has clearly done extensive research in her field and provides abundant support both through written material and by making herself available to ensure you succeed.

She is a very positive, professional person and I recommend her program completely! She is a phenomenal role model.


“Amazing content.”

Amazing content, great tips that we can use in our weeks. Great examples and very helpful suggestions of how we can start to improve our wellness.

Seminar Attendee


“What a wonderful journey Nicole took me on.”

I now have a much greater understanding of how I am contributing to my own stress levels and how I can make better choices to manage my health more effectively.

I loved that the program was not just about nutrition but that it looked at all the contributors and poor habits I have enabled and adopted over time.


Great presentation!

Great presentation. You answered all of my questions. On behalf of the group, thank you!


“Nicole has given me the skills I need to keep my stress down and take my success to the next level.”

Anyone in sales knows how stressful it can be. Nicole has given me the skills I need to keep my stress down and take my success to the next level. One thing I’ve joked about is that the benefit of being with Nicole is that she’s made me a better workaholic! It’s easier to move, easier to think, I’ve got more clarity of thought, I’ve got more energy. I’m enjoying life more because I feel good. She’s given me a life where I can be extremely successful at what I do and extremely happy doing it.

Watch Wanda’s testimonial here!


“This was so illuminating.

Thank you so much Nicole. This program was so illuminating!

Group Coaching Participant


“I look forward to loving my new mind and body minus 23 pounds!”

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Nicole Porter Wellness recently and had such an amazing experience including great results!  I really had no idea what I getting into and after the 8-week program I’m so grateful I made this decision. Nicole was extremely professional and organized! Her program changed my eating habits, sleep issues, decision-making skills, and overall mindset I didn’t even know I had. Thank you, Nicole, for a great overall experience and look forward to loving my new mind and body minus 23 pounds.

Watch Alex’s testimonial here!


This is going to make my life so much more beautiful.

Scheduling is going to make my life so much more beautiful. Thank you so much!

Workshop Attendee


“Nicole’s program will change your life!”

I learned so much from Nicole during her Signature Wellness Challenge! What I have taken away from the experience far exceeded my expectations – and they were high. I can’t even count how many people to whom I have been preaching about this! It will change your life.

YWIB, SFU Chapter

I love your approach!

Thank you so much Nicole. I love your approach. It’s nice to know what I’m doing right and where I can push it to do better. This was so helpful.
– Seminar Attendee, Young Women in Business


“I definitely feel better in many ways.”

I want to wish you a happy new year. Thank you for guiding me through some challenges in 2020. With your knowledge and coaching, I built some new habits and significantly reduced my consumption of sugar and gluten. As a result, I definitely feel better in many ways.


“Nicole’s work transformed me.”

Nicole’s work transformed me. Her program is the first that’s resulted in long term change of my body and habits. With her program, I don’t crave sugar or alcohol. It is the greatest and most freeing gift any human has ever given me. I always come back to the fundamentals of her program which support me to keep elevating my health and achieve personal goals I never would have dreamt I was capable of even a year ago.

Watch Katie’s testimonial here!


“This program has made a big difference to my mood.”

Thanks for the past few weeks. It’s been great to have some outside direction. The big take away for me was removing, or at least, greatly reducing my sugar intake. The water trick works! That’s made a really big difference to my mood, and I also feel like my hair and skin look better.


“Fantastic session!

Packed with useful information. Very well presented. Fantastic session!

Event Attendee, 2021


“The information is so useful that I can apply it to my life.”

The balancing exercise at the beginning was great, as it really demonstrated in a tangible way what happens when we are out of balance. All the information is so useful that I can apply it to my life. Debunked a lot of myths. EAT.REAL.FOOD is the bottom line. Thanks Nicole!


“Your session was outstanding.”

Thank you for your session yesterday. It was outstanding and I’m grateful that our colleagues from across the country had the opportunity to learn from you.

Adam Zubek, General Manager


“Thanks for the simple advice. It works and it’s actually pretty amazing.”

Just a quick comment – I have been taking your advice and am losing a lot of weight – in only a few weeks. So – thanks for the simple advice. It works and it’s actually pretty amazing.

Seminar Attendee


“I now have the habits, tools and knowledge to keep myself on the right track.
I want to thank you for all of you coaching, guidance, knowledge and sincere interest in making my life better. I feel I now have the habits, tools and knowledge to keep myself on the right track. Most importantly, these changes have helped elevate my mood and keep it stable. My mantra now is “eat to fuel my body”! With much love and gratitude.


I’m so happy that I found you!

I wanted to say thank you and express how grateful I am for your guidance and wellness program. I know I’m only half way through, but I’m feeling so much better and am so happy that I found you!


“A non-judgmental and knowledgeable environment, while keeping it real and having fun!”

My life gets stressful pretty quickly. I thought I knew what was stressful and where it came from… till I met Nicole!

I’ve learned I was under a lot of chronic stress (the bad kind). We took action right away and reorganized my daily routine so I can considerably reduce the chronic stress. All that in a non-judgmental and knowledgeable environment while keeping it real and having fun.


“Nicole Porter Wellness has all the entities one would want in a company, especially a wellness company.”

There’s still so much to learn about health & wellness for us laypeople. When I went through a multi-week program, it was easy to understand even though at first I felt overwhelmed. Health is number 1. Health is number 1 always with all of us. Let people like Nicole help you too. Let’s be HEALTHY. We owe it to not only ourselves but our loved ones and everyone around us.


Nicole is my go-to person for anything health and stress related.

Nicole is my go-to person for anything health and stress related. Her knowledge, passion and experience in her field is unmatched, but it’s her compassion, support and the relationships she forges with her clients that really goes the extra mile. I highly recommend any of her programs – they’ll change your life.


“The most beneficial part of our corporate wellness challenge was Nicole’s seminar.”

Nicole spoke to our team at Adera as a way to launch an internal wellness initiative we were running. The information we learned about nutrition, dieting, cravings, exercise, sleep, breathing, multi-tasking, and other stress-inducing habits was certainly eye-opening and definitely helped us take our team challenge to another level.

In the follow-up survey with employees, the majority agreed that the most beneficial part of our corporate wellness initiative was Nicole’s ‘Let’s Talk About Stress’ seminar. A smaller group of us also signed up for her 8-week team challenge as a result. Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your knowledge and experience so we could understand some really complicated health topics, for being so supportive during our group challenge, and for helping us realize that being healthy really does start on the inside.

Sh’eli Mullin, Executive Administrator


“I feel like I’ve made lifelong habit changes.”

I have always known the importance of a healthy diet, exercise, drinking plenty of water and getting a good night’s sleep; however, Nicole Porter’s weekly challenges and ability to keep me accountable have finally enabled me to put knowledge into action.

It’s been several months since I completed the program and I feel like I’ve made lifelong habit changes. Thank you Nicole!


“I lost 17 pounds without even trying. This Hidden Stress strategy works.”

I’m an avid exerciser, but this was the first program I’d ever done where I worked out less and still got amazing results. And it was easy. I expected to get results, but not like this – I lost 17 pounds without even trying! This Hidden Stress strategy works! Besides the physical results, I’m a busy professional who values education. And although I’m someone who is health-conscious and aware, and I can sense the detriments that stress has on my daily life, I truly didn’t understand the serious effects of my daily habits on a physiological level. Having the facts presented in a comfortable and easy-to-understand manner made the messaging fundamentally valuable. With some personal tweaks and a real commitment, I now know little things I can do each day to support changes and create a healthier me – for today and for my future.


“Relatable, well researched, articulate and fun. I look forward to future seminars!”

I recently watched one of Nicole’s webinars. Relatable, well researched, articulate and fun, Nicole’s approach to Stress, Hidden Stress and The 10 Habits is unique and so necessary, especially when we see so much of the same conversation and information about health, dieting and fitness in the media. She uses her own life, case studies, and sense of humour to take an encompassing sensitive topic into a lighter yet critical conversation on how we can all take better care of ourselves and others through awareness, perspective and motivated action. Thanks for the much needed reset Nicole! I look forward to future seminars!


“I would highly recommend Nicole’s program to friends and family.”

Working with Nicole was a terrific decision. Feeling like I had become stagnant with some of my health goals of late, Nicole was able to give me the right balance of practical skills, key knowledge and a kick in the butt when needed.

The extra accountability, and the steady feedback and real-world solutions, was invaluable in getting ‘unstuck’ and making tangible progress on my health goals. I highly recommend her program to friends and family.


“Nicole is entirely devoted to her clients, and she’s very interactive throughout the program.”

Thank you for giving me the tools I need to take care of myself and thank you for always having my back!


This seminar was so helpful!

Thank you so much for the talk. This seminar was so helpful!

Seminar Attendee


“You are the first person to make weight loss make sense.”

“In 35 years, you are the first person to make weight loss make sense. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


I love this program; I have been telling my friends and family all about this wellness course! I just want everyone to be healthy from the inside out! They probably think I work for you. God bless you for having a passion to help people. I can’t wait for my body to be healed from the inside out!


Thank you so much for this wellness course. I had no idea how passionate I was about health and wellness for myself and others until I did and completed your program! I have been taking your 1 hour Zoom meetings as well. Those are very educational. I am continuing with all the weekly challenges; this is a lifestyle change!


The info in your talk was very well presented and practical – well done!

Cheryl Landrigan, Director, Communications & Member Education


Your Wellness challenge is outstanding! I learned much in the introduction and your notes.

I totally understand that your classes are going to change my way of living, my health will improve and will be the most positive change to help me have a better life.


“The changes that I’ve made are things that I did not think were possible.”

I met Nicole over a year ago and since then, she’s helped me lose over 55 pounds. I feel amazing inside and out.  The experience has truly been life changing for me. What’s been most impactful is the fact that it’s not just about weight loss. These programs are really about raising the bar about how you feel in your body and how you want to live the rest of your life. The changes that I’ve made are things that I did not think were possible so I’m so grateful for her.


Our team is thankful we are thinking about their stress and wellness.

Tasso Chondronikolis, CEO


I have learned so much from Nicole. Nicole has a wealth of knowledge. I love how she continues to meet people where they’re at. And she wears several hats, but most importantly, she is out for everyone’s mental and health and well-being. 

Markena Minikon, Program Manager


“I found “The Stress Less Routine Workshop” program to be excellent reinforcement”

I found “The Stress Less Routine Workshop” program to be excellent reinforcement of the fact that one must take care of oneself first which leads to the ability to support others and increase work productivity.

Terry M, Workshop Attendee


Nicole is an excellent presenter and incredibly engaging with the audience.

Nicole is an excellent presenter and incredibly engaging with the audience. I learned a lot from her session that I can apply to improve my lifestyle. 

M. Lao, Seminar Attendee


This is awesome!

This is awesome. Great recipes. I love this!

Workshop Attendee


“This workshop was so refreshing.”

This workshop was so refreshing. Thank you for your teachings.

Workshop Attendee


Thank you for this program.  I have loved it!!


“I’ve been dealing with anxiety and love your breathing technique!

Thank you so much! I love the 5 finger meditation technique. I’ve been dealing with anxiety and my fight or flight response and love this as a breathing technique.

Nicole Porter Wellness

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